Photographers & Videographers, We Are our Memory creators, Capturers and Preservers.
From the times immemorial, Photographers and Videographers have worked all through their life or I would say dedicated their life to introduce us to many species, many aspects and many perspectives in life. It’s a thankless job and different photographers at different times have used their cameras to pursue their passion of showing unseen things to people and to society. Be it Street Photography, Press Photography, Nature Photography, Landscape Photography, Bird Photography, Wild Life Photography, Wedding Candid Photography, Corporate Photography, Event Photography, Industrial Photography, Real Estate Photography, Baby Photography, Maternity Photography, Head Shots Photography, Matrimonial Photography, Product Photography and Drone Photography, all these are done either to create a memory or to get a marketing tools for business growth. All Photographers want is to see their clients smile when the see the Photographs from their projects. Digitally printed albums are what remains as a testament for Photographers efforts and it is preserved by clients for generations. My mom still sees her wedding Photos and keeps telling some or the other stories from her wedding. This is the emotional impact Photographers create in society.

Photographers have always succeeded to create impact through their Photos and Videos. An Entrepreneur uses the Photos and Videos of his Industry / Showroom / Company for his marketing activities and many see exponential growth through these Photos and Videos. A Landscape Image of a famous place goes viral and that helps in improving the tourism of a country. A photo of a Politician helping a Old woman is seen by billions and helps him in winning elections. These are just few examples. Photographers and Videographers always puts in their heart to create the best possible Photographs and Videos for their clients. Like in all fields, we have our own challenges and limitations, but we always thrive hard to improve, learn continuously and adapt to new technologies. Just for the fact almost 90 percent of online traffic is just Photos and Videos. It’s needless to say how important a tool Photos and Videos are. People had recognized it before, know it well now and already know how important these are in future.

Let me try to summarize how important Photographers and Videographers are for the society in my own way:

Photographers and Videographers,
- We create your memories through your beautiful smile.
- We capture your memories through a device called camera.
- We preserve your memories by printing them in the form of albums.
- We help Businesses and Industries grow by creating advertisement videos and photos for their marketing.
- We help Politicians win elections through viral photos and videos.
- We show places in perspectives which many won’t see through their naked eyes.
- We show unseen stories through our photos and videos.
- We entertain people by capturing funny Photos and Videos.
- Movie / Film industry is dependent on Photographers and Videographers.
- We help a nation’s tourism grow through mesmerizing photos and videos.
- We preserve history of any nation through photos and videos.
- We help people to see unseen places at its peak beauty.
- We introduce the life of wild animals to people all over the world through Photos and Videos.
- We do everything out of our passion to contribute in positive growth of Society.

We are proud Photographers. We shoot you, we frame you, we hang you, we cut your heads, chop your fingers, make you look beautiful or make you look ugly or like a ghost, but we make sure we never go to Jail by doing all these.

With this post, I want to compliment all Photographers and appreciate their hard work, their presence in society and their passion to contribute positively for society or a nation as a whole. Its time you call your Photographers friend and thank him for creating memories for you and your family. No matter if the appreciation comes or not, all Photographers will keep clicking, keep creating memories and keep making people smile.