dance shoot bangalore



One of the main thing to focus on while shooting is knowing your camera. There are many photographers we have noticed that have a very less knowledge about the cameras. Knowing your camera in a good manner will only lead to perfect and beautiful memories. You need to have all the essential knowledge of the camera you are using. One should know what each setting option mean, what happen with the option, what will it do with your image. There are five main camera setting that is essential that is backward and forward option, how to set them what changes or impact it will have on your final image. Also go through and the menus and custom settings. You should also know about the focus and metering modes. One should definitely know all the options and understand them. Then only you will be able to capture the pictures and make changes to them if you want any.


There is a saying in photography “break the rules”. You will read this everywhere when you read about photography online. It is mentioned everywhere but what ate the rules have not discussed on many platforms that what are they, why they should be broken. The importance thing is that if the rule is made, it would have worked for people, they are known to be the rules for a reason.  One of them is ‘Rule of thirds’ that is results in pleasing compositions and it gives effective pictures. The rules like exposure, colour balance and proper focus plays all the game. If one follow the correctly it will lead to a perfect picture. Once you are all done with the rules and mastered them, you can go forward to something more experimental.


Whenever you go through the internet and see different images, there will e some images that will catch your eyes. Take few seconds and think why the images why more attractive than others, what captured your interest, what you liked in it and what not, what colours or contrasts are interesting. What is catching your eyes. Know about what you are capturing and why, what is so appealing and what are you liking about it. There can be in alone or groups. Consider your images very well, do they work with the surrounding or not. The photograph may ne created in natural light or artificial as well so it should be correctly observed. There is a spark in a good image. Try to observe them and bring that spark in your images as well.


There is a saying practice makes a man perfect. Following that great rule with photography as well, you need to practice and click as much as you can. With every click you do, you grow in a certain level. In every feild practice is must. Click, choose, delete then again follow these simple steps as much you can. You need to click more and more images everyday until you master the game. When you have the perfect images, you can consider the third point. How they worked out, what you could do to make it better and many more things discussed earlier. Learn from your mistakes, we usually like our own images because we have experienced that moment, but it cannot work with the viewer. The images you click must strike the viewer’s eye. Learn from mistakes and practice. And be prepared to click images with keeping all the points in mind.


Visit as many new places as you can, go away from the your home to find inspiration. A good place can be useful to some great images. The more we visit places the more we come to know the beauty of things, new and different places can result in capturing great photos.  The more you are excited about the place, the more you feel enthusiastic in clicking and capturing the moments there. Try Escape all that normal view of your home and visit and explore places with your camera, and remember all the fundamentals of photography.


Try to compete with yourself rather than with anybody else. You should check your own images more and observe them. You should improve from your mistakes. Comparing your own work is the way of learning in photography. Everyone is inspired by the work of successful photographers, that how nicely they capture each photograph. We all want to make such similar photos. First you need to compete with yourself to master this feild of photography. The more and more you learn from your mistakes, the more beautiful images you capture. Once you are successful in gaining all the necessary knowledge about photography, what makes an image succeed or fall. Now try to test all your knowledge on yourself, make your own images. Remember all the necessary rules. Focus on the exposure, colour and composition. Try to be experimental with yourself. There will be many good and bad picture that you will capture. But at last there will be one perfect picture in it that will be extremely beautiful and will be exactly the way you wanted it to be.

Now, try to be good in this feild as much you can, keep on practicing. Knowledge is never sufficient. The more you practise the more perfect you will become.


It is not possible to always get a beautiful picture captured. There will be many good and bad images. Try to learn from them. Always try to do better if it is good and try to make it best when it is not upto the mark.

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